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Panos Kirnidis 是帕劳国际船舶登记处的首席执行官。2017 年,《Fairplay》杂志将帕劳国际船舶登记处评为“全球发展最快”的船舶登记机构。2016 年,Panos Kirnidis 当选首席执行官。他在运营、技术、监管、市场营销和财务方面拥有逾 15 年的丰富行业经验,掌握着扎实的国际船舶登记和船舶分类业务领域的专业知识。
Panos Kirnidis 有着丰富的行业经验,曾从事过海事工程、海事运营及海事营销方面的工作,因此对航运业及相关问题有着深刻见解。凭借资深经历,他已对船舶登记处所发挥的作用了然于心,并且十分清楚船舶登记操作电子化将对未来十年航运界带来的影响。此外,Panos Kirnidis 还成功取得了英国华威大学工程商业管理硕士学位、英国泰恩河畔纽斯卡尔大学海洋工程学士学位、英国 纽斯卡尔大学机械与制造工程学的英国国家高等教育文凭 (BTEC HND) 证书及英国南安普敦学院海事工程学英国国家高等教育文凭证书。这些丰富的深造经历对于他在管理、海运和航运方面的工作简直如虎添翼。
在过去的几年里,Panos Kirnidis 时刻关注港口国控制、环境和航运等相关问题,与伦敦国际海事组织 (IMO) 展开密切的交流和讨论活动。Panos Kirnidis 已经成为当今全球航运媒体的宠儿,各大媒体争相报道有关他的新闻,他向国际海事组织着重强调了登记机构的工作范畴及航运环境等一系列问题。
Panos Kirnidis 认为,随着航运数字化时代的开启,预计在未来几年内,众海事部门将经历一次重大营运改革。此观点一出,立即引发了航运业相关些企业的关注。他坚信为船东和管理者提供电子化操作支持这一事业志在必行。目前,他正在大力推动航运领域的智能技术发展。他相信电子化操作及管理模式最终一定会取代传统文书和手工操作,这种转变无可避免,也正是人们所期望的。
海洋工程、海事工程、战略海事规划、国际船员福利、智能技术及其在海事领域的应用、安全和反海盗问题、航运风险管理、监管问题和安全都是 Panos Kirnidis 的重要关注点。
Panos Kirnidis 精通希腊语和英语,可以针对直接影响海运操作的问题,及广泛海运和航运问题向技术人员和相关方发表公开讲话。此外,他也擅长在商业、海运和航运主题会议上进行发言。
如今,Panos 正在带领帕劳国际船舶登记处走向卓越和繁荣的未来。他殚精竭虑为公司谋发展,这也是我们不断取得成功的关键。凭借在船舶管理和海洋工程领域的丰富经验,以及帕劳国际船舶登记处蒸蒸日上的发展状况,Panos Kirnidis 一定可以带领我们在国际航运领域大展宏图。
His credentials are impressive and his background in marine engineering, operations and marketing for the maritime sector gives him a strong inside knowledge of the shipping industry and the issues affecting it. He also has a clear understanding of the role of a ship registry and how the drive for electronic registry operations will shape the future of shipping over the next decade. His management, maritime and shipping experience is supported by a Master’s Degree Msc in Engineering Business Management from the University of Warwick – UK, a Bachelor’s Degree BEng in Marine Engineering from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne – UK, a BTEC HND in Mechanical and Manufacture Engineering from Newcastle College – UK and a BTEC HND in Naval Architecture from Southampton College – UK.
In the past years Panos Kirnidis has been at the forefront of discussions regarding issues such as Port State Control, environmental and shipping related matters alongside the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) based in London. He is often quoted in the global shipping media and has highlighted a number of issues to the IMO on both the work of registries and the wider shipping environment.
Panos Kirnidis believes the maritime sector will undergo almost a revolution in its operations over the next years with the onset of digitalization on shipping become the focus of attention for those associated with the maritime sector. His stronger belief is in the irresistible drive towards electronic operational support for ship owners and managers. He is championing the drive towards smart technology in the shipping world and believes the transition from paperwork to electronic operations and management is inevitable and welcome.
Among Panos Kirnidis’ core interests are marine engineering, naval architecture, strategic maritime planning, international crew welfare, smart technology and its use in the maritime world, security and anti-piracy issues, risk management in shipping, regulatory issues and safety.
Panos Kirnidis is fluent in Greek and English and can address an audience of both technical and interested parties in issues that directly affect their own maritime operations and those of the wider maritime and shipping sectors. Panos Kirnidis is available to speak at relevant conferences connecting business, maritime and shipping concerns.
Today, Panos is leading the Palau International Ship Registry towards excellence and prosperity and his efforts are the key for the continuous success of the Registry. With his background in ship management, marine engineering and the development of the Palau International Ship Registry, Panos Kirnidis is able to separate out the reality from the pipe-dreams in the world of international shipping.